Coachella 2019
It’s Friday morning and I’m walking out to my car to head into LA for my last day of work. I text my two friends that were headed to Coachella a good luck/safe travels text and then headed into LA. As I sat at my desk at work, I proceeded to post a #NoChella throwback picture from last yea'r’s coachella. That picture started it all.
A comment came in from my girl Kiki who told me I should just come. Moments later she sends me this text.
text from my friend.
asking me to come to Coachella.. the day of. LOL.
Excited. Thrilled. and Nervous. I couldn’t just leave my last day of work like this could I? I sure did. 1 hour later I’m racing back home to pack a bag for a weekend in the desert. An hour after that I’m in the car headed out to Palm Springs. What in the world is going on? Why is life so good to me right now.
After three hours of traffic we finally arrived in Palm Springs. We grabbed some food, got dressed and then headed out to the Westin Palm Desert hotel to meet up with more friends and take the shuttle over. I activated my wristband with the ladies and then we were finally on our way to the festival.
We were super sad to have missed Ella Mai but got to went to see Diplo and the crowd was iNSANE. We decided to leave early and there were crowds and crowds of people to get out. His set was very EDM based which was expected for Coachella but I was hoping for more Hip hop, but it was still a good time. After Diplo we headed over to DJ Snake for a quick second and then grabbed a marg before checking out Janelle Monoe and Childish Gambino. Janelle KILLED it, Childish not so much but overall Day 1 was an unplanned rollercoaster and a success.
Saturday morning started off meeting up with my friend from the night before and then heading over to Denny’s. We fueled up with the French Toast Slugger and some bomb coffee.
After Denny’s we got dressed and then checked out the Adidas You Had To Be There Party.
This party was unbelievably insane. The best part about the party was that it was a “No Phones Allowed” type of party. Meaning you had to lock your phone in a pouch before going in. Of course not everyone did it but I was so down for the challenge. At first it was great enjoying all the vibes with absolutely no phone but towards the end of it I felt myself wanting to rip open the pouch so I could snapchat/instagram what was happening around me. Isn’t it crazy how addicted to our phone and social media we are?!
After the day party we headed back to the festival just in time to grab food, use the bathrooms and get a good spot for Wiz Khalifa. His set was SO amazing. One of the frustrating parts about festivals is a lot of artists will play their best songs at the end. Thankfully Wiz Khalifa started the show with hits, and kept them going. After Wiz we got out the crazy crowd and watched a little bit of Kid Cudi before heading out for the night.
Day 3 might have been my favorite. We packed our bags up and checked out of the hotel and headed to Denny’s for breakfast again. I got the same meal from yesterday but added some sautéed zucchini in there because I needed some greens in my diet. After breakfast we drove from Palm Springs back over to the festival for one last hoo rah!
Sunday afternoon was super hot so the first thing we wanted to do was cool down. We took a spin around the rainbow for some views and then of course had to get some instagram worthy photos. After that we checked out Rico Nasty, who was a whole entire vibe! I wish I knew more of her songs because the crowd was so hyped and wild for her set.
Once Rico Nasty was over we headed back to the Sahara tent to watch a little SOB x RE and meet up with some new festival buddies. SOB x RE brought out PLO which was super exciting and then played Paramedic at the very end. During the set my friends decided to check out the ferris wheel but I was determined to stay because I really wanted a good view for YG. I had no idea Playboy Carti was going to start mosh pits and it was quite the experience and one I would never want to do again. During the mosh pits all I could think about was by bobby pinned down ponytail and what I was going to do if it flew off my head. While all this was happening my ponytail had already began swirling into some sort of disaster because three fellow black girls came over to help save the day. The wrapped my hair in bun for me. I felt so loved in that moment because Lord knows that would have been a disaster if that ponytail had indeed flown off.
After surviving Playboy Carti’s awful set it was finally time for YG. Like Wiz the night before, YG came out playing hit after hit and gave so many tributes to Nipsey Hussle. It was such an experience being in the crowd and just dancing and vibing with so many strangers who enjoy the same music you do. After YG I met back up with my friends and we got food and headed over to Khalid. Khalid’s set was much like other artists, waiting to play the good stuff at the end. During Khalid’s set we headed over to the Outdoor Stage to see H.E.R. who was SO AMAZING.
After H.E.R. we walked on the outskirts of the crowd to try to get a good view for Ariana Grande. We knew we wanted to leave early to beat traffic so we stayed long enough to see the N’SYNC reunion and then bounced..
We left Palm Springs around 11:45pm and were back in LA by 2am. All in all it was a weekend to remember and the perfect way to start this new journey of mine.