How to Host a Vision Board Party
Vision Board Party - January 3rd 2019
If you haven’t heard, vision boards are in.
Now what is a vision board you may ask? A vision board is is a collage of visual images or words that represent the life you want to live. For over 13 years now, since The Secret rose to popularity, vision boards have been used as a manifestation tool for one’s life desires. For those who are skeptical of it, don’t worry I was too. It’s hard to believe that just by posting some pictures on a poster board that your wildest dreams will come true.. Well I think it’s wayyy harder to make your wildest dreams come true without focus. A vision board will at least give you some focus, as well as something physical to constantly reference on the pursuit to your goals.
Now that that’s out of the way let’s talk about how to throw a vision board party.
There are a few key items you’ll need for your vision board party. None of these items are expensive nor should it cost you any lick of stress. Most of these can be purchased from your local dollar store. Here’s what supplies you’ll need:
Poster Boards
Glue / Tape
Construction paper
Wine* (for those 21+)
remember: If you’re running low or currently don’t have anything on the supplies list, be comfortable asking your friends to bring something. I asked my friends to bring extra magazines and snacks. I would definitely recommend asking your guests to bring scissors because that was one thing we were definitely needing more of!
As the host, I provided the poster boards for my friends to lay their visions on. I also provided the majority of the magazines for people to cut out images/words out of. Now, if you are a magazine collector like myself, remember to set some rules. My rule was to not cut the cover page or the cover story. Just a small recommendation for those who would still like to have some parts of the magazines left.
The timer: Make sure to keep time on your mind, especially if you’re hosting a vision board party during the week. It’s easy to get lost in your vision but the goal of the party is to have a vision board not a poster board and paper scraps that didn’t make it onto your vision board. Encourage your friends to paste on their board as they go to prevent a visionless board from happening.
I hope these tips helped on throwing your vision board party! My vision board party was a lot of fun and a great bonding experience! Also the time of the year DOES NOT MATTER when having your party. You can host it in January, July, or whenever the heck you want. Just be sure to have one if you’re on the road to getting serious about your dreams.
That’s all for now folks. Feel free to send a comment below if you plan on hosting a vision board party.
Until next time my loves,